According to Rev. 1:1 - the purpose of the book of Revelation is to "show unto his servants things..." which is why The Bible Prophecy Show exists. Some believe that Revelation is not understandable and may be read casually but not studied.
II Tim. 2:15 commands us to "study" the word of God "to show yourself approved unto God."
If the book of Revelation was not meant to be understood:
a. why would God even use John to pen the book
b. why would its purpose (of "showing things to his servants") be listed from the onset of the book in chapter 1 and verse 1?
Conclusion: The book of Revelation was written by John but inspired by God for the purpose of SHOWING you (his servants) things that must come to pass. It's time to open this fantastic book of prophetic events and discover what God wants us to know.