According to Rev. 9:13-21 - There is a futuristic war soon to come, which appears to be painted as being a worldwide nuclear war. Some eschatological experts believe that war to be among one the next major events on God's Prophetic Timeclock.
This 6th Trumpet War - is proclaimed by scripture to begin somewhere around the Euphrates River which is housed by 4 Islamic Nations (Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran). It appears from scripture, this war will kill 1/3rd of the entire human race, which equals about 2.5 billion people.
From the text, it appears this war is set on God' Calendar for a very specific year, month, day and hour; the word "hour" leading experts to believe the war that kills 2.5 billion people, will only take 1 hour to do so. For this reason, nuclear war seems to be the cause.
In Rev. 9:18, scripture reveals that the 1/3 part of man was killed, specifically by the fire, smoke, and brimstone. Smoke itself usually does not kill people (especially 2.5 billion); however, radioactive fallout from nuclear explosions certainly would contribute to killing the masses.
Additionally, a 200 million man army seems to be involved with this war. Scripture is unclear as to whether or not the 200 million man army actually instigates the war, or is part of the casualties of it. In either case, we know the 200 million man army will play a critical role in the events that transpire around this war.
China certainly could field and army of 200 million. The late leader of China, Mao Zedong (an atheist) boasted in his diary that he could field an army of 200 million men, the exact number prophesied in the book of Revelation that is connected with this 6th Trumpet (possibly nuclear) War.
Additionally, the number of Muslims that live in all 4 combined nations that house the Euphrates River (Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran) also interestingly equate to 200 million people. Could a sort of militarized Islamic Faction be responsible for instigated this war? Time will tell! Two things are certain; the bible prophecies always come to pass, and not many entities on earth can field an army of 200 million men. Perhaps India could do so, or a global army from the coming One World Government (which the Antichrist and False Prophet will soon rule over).
Regardless of the details - this war seems to be nearing the time of fulfillment, by many prophecy experts standards. This means, our time is running out to reach 1/3 of earths population with Gospel of Jesus Christ. After this war, our evangelism efforts globally will be immediately reduced by 1/3rd. If you ever plan on doing anything for the Kingdom of God on earth, NOW is the time.
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